Laborshed to be Conducted in ICR IOWA

ICR IOWA is partnering with Iowa Workforce Development and Iowa Economic Development Authority to complete a Laborshed employment study for the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids (ICR) seven county region which includes Washington, Johnson, Linn, Cedar, Iowa, Jones, and Benton Counties. This study will geographically define which communities contribute to the ICR workforce, regardless of political boundaries. This defined area is called a Laborshed area and is based upon commuting patterns.
For the success of this study, we will be sending letters to employers in ICR asking that they provide us with aggregate counts of their employees’ residential ZIP codes. This will allow us to determine what the scope and scale of the ICR Laborshed area is and better understand where the ICR workforce resides.
Once that Laborshed area is determined, a confidential residential telephone survey will be conducted to collect workforce characteristic information specific to the area. The survey call originates out of Cedar Rapids, IA, therefore, the incoming number will have the 319 area code. It is possible that you may receive a text message from their 888 number as well, alerting you to expect a call from them to take the survey. Survey questions will cover topics such as: employment status, current and desired wages, current and desired benefits, education level, and type of occupation among other things. However, Iowa Workforce Development will not be asking survey takers identifiable information such as: name, social security number, or date of birth.
Your participation in this study will help economic development efforts and support both current and potential employers in your area.
Every year Iowa Workforce Development conducts Laborshed studies across the State. The results of each analysis are publicly available online If you have any questions about the Laborshed project, please contact Katie Lippold at 515-281-3035 or Jennifer Daly, with ICR IOWA at 309-339-1388.
We appreciate your support and participation.