State Gives Final Approval for Sub-Zero

During its meeting today, the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) Board unanimously approved a financial incentive package for Sub-Zero Group Inc. to construct a new manufacturing facility in southwest Cedar Rapids. The State’s action follows support earlier this week from the Cedar Rapids City Council to ensure the proposed $140.6 million facility is located here.
Sub-Zero, headquartered in Madison, Wis., plans to build at 1015 Sixth St. SW, about a mile east of the Eastern Iowa Airport. Its proposal commits to at least 192 new full-time jobs, of which 127 are at or above wage levels the State deems high-quality jobs.
“We have reached the point that our three main sites are burgeoning and full, so we are seeking a new location to add to our footprint for the next leg of our journey,” said Scott Wareing, senior vice president of operations and product design for Sub-Zero, at the City Council meeting earlier this week. “It’s just a phenomenal fit for us and you.”
Doug Neumann, executive director at the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, said project consultants first reached out in December of 2021. The Economic Alliance, in partnership with numerous other entities involved in the project, provided initial information at that point, and then coordinated site visits earlier this year. Private sector business leaders were instrumental in championing the region during those visits.
“So many people are involved in an effort like this,” Neumann said. “Congratulations to all on this success. It demonstrates again the importance of constantly pursuing business attraction and business expansion projects to keep our economy marching forward.”
Sub-Zero also adds to an important economic development streak. This is the third straight year a $100 million + project has been announced in the City of Cedar Rapids. Sub-Zero has said it expects to start construction next summer and have the project completed by September 2025.